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Welcome to the BreezySwing website. Graphical user interfaces in Java are fun and should be readily accessible to all programmers. | |
Programmers import BreezySwing into their applications and start writing GUI-based Java programs the easy way. | Definition: BreezySwing is a package of classes that takes the pain out of writing GUI-based programs in Java. |
BreezySwing is not a GUI builder, editor, or development environment. Instead, it simplifies the user interface and event model for programmers by subclassing various classes in the javax.swing package. |
Overview | What BreezySwing is and why you will want to use it. |
Downloads | Copyright and other rules governing the use of the material on this website. |
Installation | How to install BreezySwing on your computer. |
Tutorial | How to use BreezySwing. |
Quick Reference | A quick guide to BreezySwing classes and methods. |
Books | Java textbooks for beginners. |
About Us | Meet the authors of BreezySwing. |