Defining Equality





The == operator compares two objects for equality.  This operator uses the is operator by default.  The is operator tests two object references for equality: do they refer to the exact same object in memory?  Often, this test is too restrictive.  A more relaxed version would compare one or more of the objectsÕ attributes for equality.  For example, two Student objects could have the same name and be considered equal, even though they are also distinct objects.  This type of equality is called structural equivalence, as opposed to the more restrictive type of object identity.


The programmer can override the default definition of == by including a definition of the method __eq__ in a given class.  There are actually three tests to perform.  The receiver object (self) and the second parameter object (other) are first compared for identity using the is operator.  If this test fails, the types of the two objects are then compared.  If this test succeeds, their relevant attributes are compared using the == operator. 


The behavior of != can also be modified by overriding the method __ne__.









class Student:


    NUM_GRADES = 5


    def __init__(self, name): = name

        self.grades = []

        for i in range(Student.NUM_GRADES):



    def __eq__(self, other):


        Compare the names for equality if the

        objects are not identical.       


        if self is other:

            return True

        elif type(self) != type(other):

            return False


            return ==


    def __ne__(self, other):


        Compare the names for inequality.


        return not self == other




s1 = Student('Mary')

s2 = Student('Bill')

s3 = Student('Bill')

print(s1 == s2)           # displays False

print(s2 == s3)           # displays True

print(s2 is s3)           # displays False

print(s2 != s3)           # displays False



The equals() method compares two objects for equality.  This method uses the == operator by default.  The == operator tests two object references for equality: do they refer to the exact same object in memory?  Often, this test is too restrictive.  A more relaxed version would compare one or more of the objectsÕ attributes for equality.  For example, two Student objects could have the same name and be considered equal, even though they are also distinct objects.  This type of equality is called structural equivalence, as opposed to the more restrictive type of object identity.


The programmer can override the default definition of equals by including a definition of this method in a given class.  The attributes being compared are those of the receiver object (this) and the parameter object (other). 


The method header for equals is


public boolean equals(Object other)


Note that the parameter objectÕs type is Object.  This allows any object to be compared with the receiver object for equality.  Consequently, there are actually three tests to perform in equals.  The first one compares the two objects for identity using ==.  The second one uses the instanceof operator to determine if the type of the parameter object is the same as that of the receiver object.  The third test compares the relevant attributes of the two objects using the equals method with them.


Before accessing the parameterÕs attributes, the type of the parameter must be cast down to the receiver objectÕs type using a cast operator.




public class Student{


    public static final int NUM_GRADES = 5;


    private String name;

    private int[] grades;


    public Student(String name){ = name;

        this.grades = new int[NUM_GRADES];



    public boolean equals(Object other){


        Compare the names for equality if the

        objects are not identical.       


        if (this == other)

            return true;

        else if !(other instanceof Student)

            return false;


            Student otherStudent = (Student)other;








Student s1 = new Student("Mary");

Student s2 = new Student("Bill");

Student s3 = new Student("Bill");

System.out.println(s1.equals(s2));        // displays false

System.out.println(s2.equals(s3));        // displays true

System.out.println(s1 == s3);             // displays false

System.out.println(! s2.equals(s3));      // displays false




