Tutorial for breezypythongui

breezypythongui is easy to use, and this tutorial will get you off to a quick start. I assume that you are familiar with the basics of Python and that you know how to write, compile, and run simple Python programs that use classes that you have designed yourself. If you have not yet programmed in Python, I recommend picking up Fundamentals of Python, which is available from Amazon or Cengage Learning.

You do not need to know anything about programming GUIs. That is the purpose of this tutorial.

In addition to learning the powerful features of breezypythongui, you will explore general principles for constructing GUI-based programs. These include:

Nearly everything you learn will apply directly to Python's tkinter toolkit, the standard but complex resource for creating GUI-based applications in Python.

Table of Contents

1. Core material - After reading this material you will know enough about breezypythongui to use it in a wide range of applications. So, it is fine to stop here and start enjoying the benefits of doing things in Python the GUI way.

A first breezypythongui program A first look at breezypythongui using a simple tax calculator program.
The breezy skeleton The basic structure of all breezypythongui programs.
The application window Setting up an application window.
Adding window components How to lay out an interface in breezypythongui.
Responding to button events Methods for responding to user events, such as button clicks.
Data entry fields Input and output of numbers and text with fields
Manipulating window components Accessing and modifying the attributes of window components.

2. More window components and other features - breezypythongui allows you to create fairly sophisticated user interfaces. Read this part when you are ready to add more power, interest, and flexibility to your GUIs.

Message boxes Notifying users of important events with popup dialogs.
Menus Adding dropdown menus to an application.
Text areas Using a multiline field for input and output of text.
Scrolling list boxes Input and output with lists of strings.
Radio buttons Giving users choice with radio buttons.
Sliding scales Input numbers by dragging a slider through a range of numbers.
Panels Organize widgets in nested panels.

3. Graphics and mouse events - graphics opens up a whole new world of applications.

Simple graphics Drawing in breezypythongui applications.
Mouse events Respond to mouse events.
Freehand drawing Create a simple freehand drawing program.
A color meter View a color using RGB values.